Now somebody tell me what great filmmaking story doesn't begin with a good ol' shoe eatin'? Alright, so it's not as "standard" as we once believed, but heck we did it anyway...and people watched...and we lived through it to write this recap for those of you who missed it.
Truth is, this story starts long before our days with the great German film director Werner Herzog. Back in the late 1970's, Herzog bet his long-time friend Errol Morris that is Morris could complete and exhibit his feature film "Gates of Heaven," that Herzog would publicly eat his shoe at the film's premiere. As one would come to assume, the film was made and the Herzog's size 14 boot was consumed.
Swinging back to 2012, Graham came up with the idea of paying homage to Herzog through throwing our own "shoe-eating" extravaganza. And so "Eating a Shoe to Support Our Crew!" was officially born. Within the next few days, we had our IndieGoGo campaign up and running and secured our shoe-eating spot at West Chester's very own Super Sunday Festival to take place on June 3rd.
As time progressed, we saw great support with our campaign through friends, family, and even actors who wanted to support the cause. Soon we began the process of landing company sponsorships for our event and over the course of 3 weeks managed to bring in 15 sponsors from the West Chester community. Things were going great.
As the event neared, we began our last marketing push attracting several newspapers in the area to cover our story. And then we only had one question are we going to eat this shoe?
As time ran down and we began to really smell the roses (or shoes in this matter) we knew that we had to figure out how to make this shoe edible. After several failed attempts a boiling shoes, we turned to a canvas shoe, and of course a deep fryer. After all, everything does taste better deepfried.
So the day had arrived and it was time to physically consume the shoe. After spending the first half of the day doing our best "used car salesman" impressions ("Come on down and watch us eat a shoe!"), the scheduled 4:00 feast had arrived. And so with some words of thank you and a toast to victory, Graham and I went to town on that poor little shoe in front of a crowd of nearly 70 people. People laughed, nobody cried, and some courageous souls even tried some shoe too.
So with the event over, it was time to sit back and bask in what we had accomplished...well at least for the rest of that day. Through it all, we managed to raise over $4,000 to support our cause and get the attention of our beloved town. And for that, we thank you all for your support. It means the world to us.
Until next time, shoe's up!
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