So this took a bit of stumbling around while cleaning my computer last night, but after opening up my excel spreadsheet for actor auditions, the realization had hit; building our team for "Parallax" had officially begun with auditions exactly one year ago. As I peered through the list of names of people we met, some of which would come to play integral roles in our film, it was very surreal to say the least.
Now at this point, "Parallax" had been well underway in the development stages. However, despite all the work that Graham and I had done to this point, it all really meant nothing until we could get other people to believe in us. After all, how many scripts collect dust in Hollywood boardrooms simply because nobody believes in the product at hand? A film is a collective effort, a team building gauntlet, and well...a lot more fun when there's more than two people involved.
I vividly remember our first day of auditions, sitting in the basement of the former office spending half the day wondering if people would actually show up to their audition. Stacks of "Eat a Shoe" flyers in the waiting area, ice melting from the coolers, actors wandering in wondering if this actually was the right place. It was a learning experience to say the least.
Now, only one year later from this day, I can't even begin to touch upon the lessons I've learned from this experience. It is quite literally insane, and there is still a bit of bewilderment that we have reached this point. For a quick insight into my mind, a producer's mindset is one of constant doubt and paranoia. Doubt that you can do this, paranoia that something won't work out. And to be quite honest, until this film is in the bag and off to our first beloved film festival, doubt and paranoia will likely not leave my mind.
However, what I can say is through this past year, what can't be taken away are the experiences, friendships, and lessons I've learned. We have been extremely lucky to work with some very talented people from around the country who all believed in this film, and that is something that will stay with us forever.
As we push towards picture lock in the next few weeks, we have many more tasks at hand before "Parallax" is actually a movie. The road is a long one, but we believe in ourselves and know that there are more people out there who can believe in us. Keep those eyes peeled for more updates in the next few weeks!
Over and out
Greg Harwell
| March 6, 2013 at 1:40 PMGuys,
Just wanted to mention that even though I only played a “miniscule role” in the production, it was a pleasure to be a part of it. i’m looking forward to seeing the final product when you have finally put the final polish on it. Cheers!
Greg “Off. Smiley” Harwell
Mary Sarah
| March 11, 2013 at 11:46 PMI have loved every moment of this adventure and relished the relationships that have blossomed!