Alright, the burning question. Where the heck are we? I know it's on your minds, I hear it every week. Let's take some time to clear the air and get everyone up to date.

Let me preface this blog with this. Films take a long time to make. Very long, much longer than I would've ever imaged before taking on this project. In fact, there was a point in time where I thought our finished film would be premiering this week. Boy, have I learned a lot.

The reality is that 95% of a film's production nobody ever sees or hears about. You spend 6-7 months getting ready forthe wildest 6 weeks of your life. Then you neglect sleeping and showering for 6 weeks of your life to make sure you're not losing control of your ever-so-fragile production. It's true, if you don't believe me I'll pull up pictures and videos of Casey waking me up with a bloody arm at 4:43 AM after putting his arm through a smashed TV set. Casey didn't sleep for the month of August, that is a fact. Ironman.

Anyway, back to the question at hand. Post-production, where the heck are we? To put it simply, we're in the editing stage. What this means is Sara and Graham are currently working together to get picture lock for the film in place. Going over each shot, analyzing each cut, making sure that the sequence of shots gives the story justice. The reality is that editing is like writing. There are drafts, many of them. Just like you wouldn't hand in the first draft of the essay you are sending to that esteemed university you hope to attend, we aren't sending in the first edit to any film festivals we hope to get into. So with that being said, we have several edits to perform.

Over the past few weeks, we sent out the second draft of our film to a group of people seeking advice in shaping the story. The goal of this practice is to use this feedback to continue with editing the picture. Now with all of this information in mind, Sara and Graham will go through the film two more times before finishing the final cut.

From there, we have a good amount of work to do with creating the visual effects for the film, creating a full sound design, cleaning up the audio that we do have, laying the final score, creating the title sequence, and final coloring of the film. As you would imagine, all of these processes take a fair amount of time. In fact, it is fair to say that post-production for this film isn't even halfway done. Did I mention making a film takes a long time?

So with all of that being said, we hope to have the film near completion by early August. This is when film festivals in 2014 start accepting submissions and back to the college example; submitting early certainly doesn't hurt your chances. Once we do start submitting and being accepted (fingers crossed) into these festivals, we'll have a good idea of what distribution for this film will look like aka when you get to see it. Until then, it's hard to say when and where "Parallax" will come to life, but we are doing our best to bring it there.

Over and out

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